Mother Writes – Letters of Mother Clelia Merloni
Dear young people,
This book was lovingly prepared with you in mind so that in the letters of Mother Clelia Merloni, Foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you can find both a guide and an inspiration for the different moments of your life. These letters have been grouped according to the following themes: “The Spiritual Life”, “Like You”, and “Searching for Holiness”. Alongside each letter are quotes by various authors that link Mother Clelia’s eloquent words to the reality of your life today.
The call to be better each every day leads us on the search for holiness because each and every person is personally touched by the gift of God to make progress along this path of love.
Starting from this conviction in her own life, Mother Clelia, by her example and her writings, confirmed that we take one step at a time on the path toward holiness. It is the journey of a lifetime and it must be constant. Mother Clelia was earnest about about providing children and young people with a wholesome formation and so she insisted on the practice of good example. She said, “Words encourage, but examples pull us along.”
With these letters from Mother Clelia, we want to offer you a path to follow, an example to imitate, words to listen to, and a friendly and motherly presence for you to feel. We are sure that, through her words, Mother Clelia will both accompany you and guide you along the right path.
Journey well along with Mother Clelia! Let us find in her teachings a light for our path!
Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha
Superior General