
She lived in Italy between 1861 and 1930. She was generous in offering her entire self to Jesus. She was loving and open and creatively responded to all those in need.

Cross of Christ


She built a work of love which has extended to the continents of Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa: the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founded in 1894 in the city of Viareggio (Lucca) Italy.


Always following the example of Jesus, she courageously offered herself and, like the grain of wheat which must fall to the earth and die before it bears fruit, Mother Clelia gave her life to the Institute. She lovingly lived her life for a Heart greater than her own: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom she served and sacrificed herself.



Clelia Merloni was born in Italy on March 10, 1861. As she matured, she became more attracted to prayer and solitude than to the elite social life and administration of the family business that her father wanted for her.

She knew from an early age that following her father’s footsteps in the family business was not the journey her life would take. Intelligent, gifted, and enthusiastic, she responded generously to God’s call by choosing consecrated religious life.

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Blessed Clelia Merloni



Blessed Clelia’s words offer a sure direction to progress on the journey of love towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and towards all those with whom we share life’s experiences.

Footsteps of Blessed Clelia Merloni

“Walk with giant steps on the road to holiness.”




“Trust in the Heart of Jesus and miracles you will witness, if necessary!”

“My devotion is very great, I was saved from the risk of being seriously injured in the car accident that happened to me.”

A. L. S.

Argentina - La Plata, Jun/1980

“My father was going to lose the house for lack of payment, the solution would be to sell it in four days, I begged MC […]

L. C. M.

Brazil - Curitiba, Jun/1999

“My father had a serious heart attack. I began to pray the novena dedicated to Mother Clelia and he was restored by his intercession.”

C. M.

USA - Pensacola, Abr/1990

“I was diagnosed with irreversible pulmonary edema. My daughter and the Sisters prayed a novena to Mother Clelia and I regained consciousness. So I received […]

D. D.

Italy - Noicattaro, Mar/2006

“A 2-year-old lost his vitality. I gave your mother a medal and the Mother’s prayer. On the 7th day he began to speak. “

Sr M. A. P.

Albania - Tirana, Dec/1994

Secretary of the Cause of Canonization

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Ardor of Faith and Charity


The charism of Blessed Clelia Merloni has its origin in the wounded Heart of Christ on the Cross, that symbol for all humanity of the Love of God who gave His Son for the redemption of the world.

Apostles Like the First Apostles

In choosing the title “Apostles,” Mother Clelia hoped to instill in her daughters the apostolic fervor of the first Apostles. Every Apostle is called to follow in the footsteps of Christ, according to the example of the Apostles, witnesses of the redemption of Christ, scattered throughout the world, animated solely by the desire to make Jesus known and loved.

Apostle of Love

To be an Apostle of Love means to be willing to witness to the love of the Heart of Jesus, always and everywhere, by her words and with her very life. She is called to live intensely the experience of love in the Heart of Christ through a life of union with Him and in accordance with his Gospel.

Apostle of Reparation

Reparation is an expression of great love for God and his people in response to the Church’s teaching. It was the hallmark of Mother Clelia’s spiritual journey. This reparative spirituality delineated every aspect of her life of consecration and the mission that flowed from it. The Apostle becomes fully alive if she allows herself to become imbued with the same ardent passionate love for humankind that burns in the Heart of Christ. The Apostle responds to the sufferings of humanity wounded by the evils of the world. “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it…” (1 Cor 12:26).

Escudo do IASCJ

Living the Charism

According to the example of Blessed Clelia Merloni, to learn the spirituality of the Sacred Heart, it is necessary “to rest” on the Heart of the Lord, that is “to contemplate” His Love, letting ourselves be loved by Him who said: “Come to me all you who are weary and oppressed and I will give you rest.”